TV & Press

LAYZEE in "The Lion's Den

Lazy Camping at DHDL The Lion's Den

We were there! Last year, the show "Die Höhle der Löwen" was broadcast on Monday 17.10.22 at 20:15 on VOX. Those who have a premium account from "tvnow" can watch the show in the media center.

We have to admit, it was already a very exciting day in our lives.

During the filming we got to meet other founders and a really huge production team. The whole casting and preparation phase was very professional and under strictest secrecy . We were impressed by the process from the beginning and therefore even more nervous when the call came that we would be invited to the recording.

We will never forget the moment we stood in front of the imposing wooden door with the lion's head. Our hearts were pounding and we heard the voices of the lions and a first puzzlement about which product it would be.

And then suddenly she went on the door and with it in to the investors....

Photo credit: RTL / Frank W. Hempel

LAYZEE roof tent at DHDL The Lion's Den

What did the acceptance to participate in the start-up show "Die Höhle der Löwen" mean for us?

For us, this was a special confirmation that we are on the right track to create a great product portfolio and a trendy brand.
But it also meant: TEMPO! The to-do list became longer and longer, but more focused and structured due to the broadcast date. Tasks that had previously been put on the back burner suddenly had to be tackled and worked on.
It is unbelievable what can happen in a short time.

The company and we had to shape up quickly and figure out what we wanted to achieve. The time pressure made everything clearer for us and we are extremely happy about being on the show.

Chris, Jill, Alex from LAYZEE are in the Höhle der Löwen DHDL

Lazy Camping becomes LAYZEE. Why?

We only became aware of this during the preparation for the broadcast date. Nobody is perfect. We are a lifestyle brand in the camping & outdoor sector. That needs a unique brand name and identity! With LAYZEE and the slogan "EXPLORE YOUR OWN WAY" we say it all. LAYZEE still has the reference to lazy and can be pronounced the same. Cobbler stick to your last or as the saying goes. We like the topic of deceleration and being lazy. Everyone should allow themselves that now and then.

EXPLORE YOU OWN WAY is meant to encourage you to turn off, to discover your own way and not to always run or drive after the masses. This is the only way to find beautiful places, awaken emotions and the spirit of discovery. Of course, this can also be wonderfully applied to entrepreneurial life and life in general.

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